Day 16.
Day 17.
Sebastian got a lumbar puncture today to check for cancer cells in his spinal fluid, so he wasn't allowed to eat from 6am onwards, as they put him under anesthetic in the operating room. He's soooo 'hangry' while we wait for the procedure that doesn't happen until 1pm and we have to sneak eat behind his back so he doesn't see food. More chemo after the LP, and we start a new drug called Asparaginase. Its given as an injection intramuscularly and it can cause some nasty allergic reactions so we had to be really careful and watch for rashes and such.
Day 18.
Day 19.
This morning Bash had shaky hands that freaked me out, but it went away after eating. Last blood test was really good again, 112 - hgb 129 - platlets 1.9 - WBC with no blasts found in blood again. Very good. Three oncologists stop by the room to say hi and see if we have questions. They're all very happy with his progress so far. In the evening the shaky hands start again. Doctors check his blood sugar and it looks good (5.3).They tell us this is a side effect from chemo and he may not be feeling well. He's definitely not feeling very good, but is still in a good mood. He spits up a few times and has the biggest diaper blow out ever!! One of the lumens on the Broviac port was submerged in poop and they had to clean it really well and then monitor extra close for a fever. We were offered a pass again but decide to stay as he was really tired and we were worried about having him get a fever at home. He had another dressing change on his Broviac line site.
Day 20.
Not feeling very good again this morning, lots of nausea and a few spit ups. Shaky hands and refusing food. Still nursing often and sleeping. Nurses check blood sugar and its still good levels. Doctors come by to see him and we tell them how surprised we are at how well he is doing, almost too well, and that we worry all the time about 'when the shoe will drop'. They say its only a matter of time before he gets a fever and they predict it will be over the weekend, but not to worry so much about it as they will take good care of him - If he gets a fever they will start him on antibiotics immediately. In the afternoon he gets chemo and the Asparaginase shot in his leg again. He starts feeling a bit better and eats so much! Pretty much eating from noon until 6pm! Two packs of baby food, oat cereal added, mashed potato, and chocolate ice cream for dessert! Trying to get his weight up and avoid putting in a feeding tube. We think he's gonna sleep good tonite!
Day 21.
He slept so well over night, finally! 5hr then 3hr stretch. So much poop! Went through three sleepers before noon -all the food from yesterday lol. First real throw up too, entire stomach on my blanket lol. Get another day pass home today. The music therapist stopped by the room and sang songs again with the guitar. He's mesmerized by the sounds and listens so intently. Finished chemo and went home and had a BBQ. Great day at home with him 'talking' and monkeying around.
Day 22.
We got yet another day pass! I started writing the blog this day so my updates will all eventually be here, and I can stop spamming people my daily updates. Uncle Jerrad and his girlfriend came for dinner. He had a pretty good day at home just hanging out with everyone.
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